以下是一份货物进口合同范本: 货物进口合同(P rchase Con) 合同编号(Contract No.):签订日期(Date):签订地点(Signed at):买方:The B 地址:Address:___________传真(Fax):电子邮箱(E-mail):卖方:The Seller:地址:Address:_________传真(Fax):电子邮箱(E-mail):买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the B agree concl this Contract s bject the terms and conditions stated below: 1.货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Q ality of Commodity): 2.数量(Q antity): 允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3.单价(Unit Price): 4.总值(Total Amo nt): 5.交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ 原产地国与制造商(Co ntry of Origin and Man fact rers): 7.包装及标准(Packing): 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, r st, moist re, erosion and shock, and shall be s itable for ocean transportation/ m ltiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attrib table the inadeq ate or improper packing. The meas rement, gross weight, net weight and the ca tions s ch as“Do not stack p side down”,“Keep away from moist re”,“Handle with care” shall be stenciled on the s rface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8.唛头(Shipping Marks): 9.装运期限(Time of Shipment): 10.装运口岸(Port of Loading): 11.目的口岸(Port of Destination): 12.保险(Ins rance): 由____按发票金额110%投保_____险和_____附加险。 Ins rance shall be covered by the________ for 110% of the invoice e against_______ Risks and__________ Additional Risks. 13.付款条件(Terms of Payment): (1)信用证方式:买方应在装运期前/合同生效后__日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的议付信用证,信用证在装船完毕后__日内到期。 Letter of Credit: The B shall,______ days prior the time of shipment/after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the The Letter of Credit shall expire____ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as lated. (2)付款交单:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,按即期付款交单(D/P)方式,通过卖方银行及_____银行向买方转交单证,换取货物。 Doc ments against payment: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on the B and deliver the doc ments thro gh Sellers bank and______ Bank the B against payment, i.e D/P. The B shall effect the payment immediately pon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange. (3)承兑交单:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,付款期限为____后__日,按即期承兑交单(D/A__日)方式,通过卖方银行及______银行,经买方承兑后,向买方转交单证,买方在汇票期限到期时支付货款。 Doc ments against Acceptance: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange, payable_____ days after the B yers delivers the doc ment thro gh Sellers,ank and_________Bank the B against acceptance(D/A___ days)。 The B shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange. (4)货到付款:买方在收到货物后__天内将全部货款支付卖方(不适用于 FOB、CRF、CIF术语)。 Cash on delivery(COD): The B shall pay the Seller total nt within______ days after the receipt of the goods(This is not applied the Terms of FOB, CFR, CIF)。 14.单据(Doc ments Req ired): 卖方应将下列单据提交银行议付/托收: The Seller shall present the following doc ments req ired the bank for negotiation/collection: (1)标明通知收货人/受货代理人的全套清洁的、已装船的、空白抬头、空白背书并注明运费已付/到付的海运/联运/陆运提单。 F ll set of clean on board Ocean/Combined Transportation/Land Bills of Lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/ collect; (2)标有合同编号、信用证号(信用证支付条件下)及装运唛头的商业发票一式__份; Signed commercial invoice in______copies indicating Contract No.L/C No.(Terms of L/C) and shipping marks; (3)由______出具的装箱或重量单一式__份; Packing list/weight memo in______ copies iss ed by__; (4)由______出具的质量证明书一式__份; Certificate of Q ality in_______ copies iss ed by____; (5)由______出具的数量证明书一式__份; Certificate of Q antity in___ copies iss ed by____; (6)保险单正本一式__份(CIF交货条件); Ins rance policy/certificate in___ copies(Terms of CIF); (7)____签发的产地证一式__份; Certificate of Origin in___ copies iss ed by____; (8)装运通知(Shipping advice):卖方应在交运后_____小时内以特快专递方式邮寄给买方上述第__项单据副本一式一套。 The Seller shall, within____ ho rs after shipment effected, send by rier each copy of the above-mentioned doc ments No. 15.装运条款(Terms of Shipment): (1) FOB交货方式 卖方应在合同规定的装运日期前30天,以____方式通知买方合同号、品名、数量、金额、包装件、毛重、尺码及装运港可装日期,以便买方安排租船/订舱。装运船只按期到达装运港后,如卖方不能按时装船,发生的空船费或滞期费由卖方负担。在货物越过船弦并脱离吊钩以前一切费用和风险由卖方负担。 The Seller shall, 30 days before the shipment date specified in the Contract, advise the B by_______ of the Contract No.commodity, q antity, nt, packages, gross weight, meas rement, and the date of shipment in order that the B can charter a vessel/book shipping space. In the event of the Seller‘s fail effect loading when the vessel arrives d ly at the loading port, all expenses incl ding dead freight and/or dem rrage charges th s inc rred shall be for the Seller’s acco (2) CIF或CFR交货方式 卖方须按时在装运期限内将货物由装运港装船至目的港。在CFR术语下,卖方应在装船前2天以____方式通知买方合同号、品名、发票价值及开船日期,以便买方安排保险。 The Seller shall ship the goods d ly within the shipping d ration from the port of loading the port of destination. Under CFR terms, the Seller shall advise the B by_________ of the Contract No.commodity, invoice e and the date of dispatch two days before the shipment for the B arrange ins rance in time. 16.装运通知(Shipping Advice): 一俟装载完毕,卖方应在__小时内以____方式通知买方合同编号、品名、已发运数量、发票总金额、毛重、船名/车/机号及启程日期等。 The Seller shall, immediately pon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the B of the Contract No.names of commodity, loading q antity, invoice gross weight, name of vessel and shipment date by_________ within________ho rs. 17.质量保证(Q ality G arantee): 货物品质规格必须符合本合同及质量保证书之规定,品质保证期为货到目的港__个月内。在保证期限内,因制造厂商在设计制造过程中的缺陷造成的货物损害应由卖方负责赔偿。 The Seller shall g arantee that the commodity m st be in conformity with the q atity, specifications and q antity specified in this Contract and Letter of Q ality G The g arantee period shall be______months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, and d ring the period the Seller shall be responsible for the damage d e the defects in designing and man fact ring of the man fact rer. 18.检验(Inspection)(以下两项任选一项): (1)卖方须在装运前__日委托______检验机构对本合同之货物进行检验并出具检验证书,货到目的港后,由买方委托________检验机构进行检验。 The Seller shall have the goods inspected by______ days before the shipment and have the Inspection Certificate iss ed by____. The B may have the goods reinspected by________ after the goods,rrival at the destination. (2)发货前,制造厂应对货物的质量、规格、性能和数量/重量作精密全面的检验,出具检验证明书,并说明检验的技术数据和结论。货到目的港后,买方将申请中国商品检验局(以下简称商检局)对货物的规格和数量/重量进行检验,如发现货物残损或规格、数量与合同规定不符,除保险公司或轮船公司的责任外,买方得在货物到达目的港后__日内凭商检局出具的检验证书向卖方索赔或拒收该货。在保证期内,如货物由于设计或制造上的缺陷而发生损坏或品质和性能与合同规定不符时,买方将委托中国商检局进行检验。 The man fact rers shall, before delivery, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods with regard its q ality, specifications, performance and q antity/weight, and iss e inspection certificates certifying the technical data and concl sion of the inspection. After arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the B shall apply China Commodity Inspection B rea(hereinafter referred as CCIB) for a f rther inspection as the specifications and q antity/weight of the goods. If damages of the goods are fo nd, or the specifications and/or q antity are not in conformity with the lations in this Contract, except when the responsibilities lies with Ins rance Company or Shipping Company, the B shall, within_____ days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, claim against the Seller, or reject the goods according the inspection certificate iss ed by CCIB. In case of damage of the goods inc rred d e the design or man fact defects and/or in case the q ality and performance are not in conformity with the Contract, the B shall, d ring the g arantee period, req CCIB make a s rvey. 19.索赔(Claim): 买方凭其委托的检验机构出具的检验证明书向卖方提出索赔(包括换货),由此引起的全部费用应由卖方负担。若卖方收到上述索赔后______天未予答复,则认为卖方已接受买方索赔。 The b shall make a claim against the Seller(incl ding replacement of the goods) by the f rther inspection certificate and all the expenses inc rred therefrom shall be by the The claims mentioned above shall be regarded as being accepted if the Seller fail reply within______days after the Seller received the B yer‘s claim. 20.迟交货与罚款(Late delivery and Penalty): 除合同第21条不可抗力原因外,如卖方不能按合同规定的时间交货,买方应同意在卖方支付罚款的条件下延期交货。罚款可由议付银行在议付货款时扣除,罚款率按每__天收__%,不足__天时以__天计算。但罚款不得超过迟交货物总价的____%.如卖方延期交货超过合同规定__天时,买方有权撤销合同,此时,卖方仍应不迟延地按上述规定向买方支付罚款。 买方有权对因此遭受的其它损失向卖方提出索赔。 Sho ld the Seller fail make delivery on time as lated in the Contract, with the exception of Force Maje ca ses specified in Cla 21 of this Contract, the B shall agree postpone the delivery on the condition that the Seller agree pay a penalty which shall be ded cted by the paying bank from the payment nder negotiation. The rate of penalty is charged at______% for every______ days, odd days less than_____days sho ld be nted as______ days. B the penalty, however, shall not exceed_______% of the total e of the goods involved in the delayed delivery. In case the Seller fail make delivery______ days later than the time of shipment lated in the Contract, the B shall have the right cancel the Contract and the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall nevertheless pay the penalty the B witho delay. The b shall have the right lodge a claim against the Seller for the losses s stained if any. 21.不可抗力(Force Maje re): 凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任。在发生上述情况时,卖方应立即通知买方,并在__天内,给买方特快专递一份由当地民间商会签发的事故证明书。在此情况下,卖方仍有责任采取一切必要措施加快交货。如事故延续__天以上,买方有权撤销合同。 The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods d e Force Maje re, which might occ r d ring the process of man fact ring or in the of loading or transit. The Seller shall advise the B immediately of the occ rrence mentioned above and within_____ days thereafter the Seller shall send a notice by rier the B for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident iss ed by the local chamber of commerce nder whose j risdiction the accident occ rs as evidence thereof. Under s ch circ mstances the Seller, however, are still nder the obligation take all necessary meas res hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than_____ days the B shall have the right cancel the Contract. 22.争议的解决(Arbitration): 凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议应协商解决。若协商不成,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会,按照申请时该会当时施行的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 Any disp arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled thro gh friendly negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the disp shall be s bmitted China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(CIETAC),Shenzhen Commission, for arbitration in accordance with its r les in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding pon both parties. 23.通知(Notices): 所有通知用____文写成,并按照如下地址用传真/电子邮件/快件送达给各方。如果地址有变更,一方应在变更后__日内书面通知另一方。 All notice shall be written in_____ and served both parties by fax/co rier according the following addresses. If any changes of the addresses occ r, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within____days after the change. 24.本合同使用的FOB、CFR、CIF术语系根据国际商会《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》。 The terms FOB、CFR、CIF in the Contract are based on INCOTERMS 2000 of the International Chamber of Commerce. 25.附加条款(Additional se): 本合同上述条款与本附加条款抵触时,以本附加条款为准。 Conflicts between Contract hereabove and this additional if any, it is s bject this additional 26.本合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同共__份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效。 This Contract is exec ted in two nterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall deemed eq ally a thentic. This Contract is in______ copies, effective since being signed/sealed by both parties. 买方代表(签字):Representative of the B (A thorized signat re):卖方代表(签字):Representative of the Seller (A thorized signat re):
产品订货合同范文如下: 经协商,双方就乙方生产、供甲方销售并且根据甲方要求设计、标明为_____品牌的家用电器(简称定牌产品)定牌合作之事宜达成如下协议,双方同意签定本合同,并共同遵守以下条款: 第一条合作的产品、数量及定单 1.1定牌产品品名、规格、型号、目标总量、品名规格型号、时段、单位、总量。 2.2甲方每月向乙方书面发出____个月以上预期量的滚动订单。乙方根据订单预备____天材料和零件。 2.3甲方应在每月____日前向乙方下达下个月的订单,包括品种、数量、交货时间、顺序等。乙方除非向甲方提出书面修改意见,否则视为同意该月订单。订定下达后不能变更,除非乙方同意变更。 2.4乙方应在甲方下达订单____天内,向甲方提供下月的日排产计划。 第二条产品包装与标识 2.1定牌产品使用甲方________注册商标,以及法律许可甲方使用的其他标记、文字、符号。乙方未经同意不能使用________注册商标,也不能将甲方注册商标及法律许可甲方使用的其他标记、文字、符号提供给第三方,包括与此相关的容易混淆的任何标记、商标、铭牌或公司名称。 2.2甲方应获得合法的________注册商标使用权,并向乙方提供该注册商标的审批证明文件。 2.3乙方须根据甲方要求,在产品内外包装标明_______品牌。 2.4产品背脊标识的产地为____,厂址为________。 2.5如果甲方发现有与乙方合作的第三方有对甲方商标、标记的侵权行为,应立即通知乙方停止为其生产。当侵权实施已经发生,乙方未获准甲方同意不要擅自处理侵权产品。 2.6定牌产品仅允许甲方或甲方授权的企业销售,乙方未经甲方书面授权不得销售。 第三条质量保证 3.1产品标准: 3.1.1乙方生产过程须符合甲方的质量控制规范(见附件1)要求。 3.1.2乙方生产的定牌产品须符合国家标准规定,并符合验收标准。 3.2产品质量: 3.2.1所有定牌产品都须获得认证。 3.2.2安全认证由_______方完成,认证费由_______方承担。 3.2.3乙方须按甲方的要求在产品的机身、外包装上进行出厂编号。 3.2.4乙方应进行严格的产品出厂前的检验测试,以确保产品品质与合同条款和质量标准规定的内容相符。 3.2.5甲方可以通过其技术代表共同参与对出厂产品的质量控制。同时有权利不定期检查预定牌产品相关的检测设备、生产过程及材料零部件质量控制。 3.2.5乙方生产定牌产品在设计、规格、替代原材料及部件等方面如有变更,事前需征得甲方的书面同意。如果甲方提出任何变更要求,需乙方书面同意。 3.2.6如果定牌产品在交货后____月内某一个型号出现批量性故障和缺陷由乙方负责,缺陷率的判定和计算方法,在本合同的附件1质量异议认定中详细规定。 3.2.7甲方有义务将市场产品信息反馈给乙方,为产品质量的不断提高提供材料。 第四条产品供价及结算方式 4.1.1供价(计算单位:) 型号、规格、付款方式、单位、支付价格(人民币元,含税)、备注 4.1.2在双方确认排产计划后,乙方凭双方确认后的排产计划组织生产和发货。每月____日甲方按当月量以形式向乙方支付当月货款。 4.1.4以上价格在合同期内原则上不变。如市场行情发生较大变动时,一方提出供价变动要求时须同另一方协商并签订补充协议确定之,否则须执行本协议。 第五条产品交货及运输 5.1合同交货履行地点: 5.2产品运输由____方负责,____方承担运费用。 5.3运输责任:____方的责任在____后结束。此后,货物出现风险责任由____方负责。 5.5甲方技术代表在货物检收若有异议,有权依据双方共同制定之交接货物验收标准督促乙方改进,下列情况下可以拒收: a.___________________________ b.___________________________ c.___________________________ 5.6如乙方责任,按本协议第三条有关协议执行,并由乙方承担延期交货给甲方造成的损失。如甲方责任,按本协由甲方承担延期交货给乙方造成的损失。 5.7当因乙方_____原因不能按订单要求发货,延迟发货超过一天,乙方承担给甲方造成延迟损失之责任,标准为:__________ 5.8当因甲方_____原因不能按订单要求发货,延迟发货超过一天,甲方承担给乙方造成________之责任,标准为:__________ 第六条市场规范与协调 6.1双方应注意保持定牌产品的差异化,以避免雷同产品在市场价格上的差异给对方造成损失。乙方在运作自己的产品市场时在规格、型号、花色等方面避免与提供给甲方的定牌产品相似。 6.2建立价格通报与协调机制。当市场行情发生变化,一方需要调整价格时,应通知对方。双方应通过共同协商共同调整价格,以避免造成负面影响。 6.3若一方违反本条市场规范条款,对方督促其改进而没有立即改进时,为约方应该承担对方损失的。 第七条工作联系 7.1双方合作期间,甲方可以在乙方设立驻厂代表。 7.2驻厂代表的责任是进行质量监督、物流管理与事务。 7.3驻厂代表应遵从乙方规章制度,并且不得进入与本合作业务无关的场所。 7.4乙方为驻厂代表提供办公室(桌)____间(个),电话____部,房租水电费用由____方承担。 电话费用由方承担。 7.5甲方的联系方式为:________________ 7.6乙方的联系方式为:________________ 第八条技术培训 8.1为了保证定牌产品的维修服务,如果甲方认为必要,乙方应为甲方维修人员进行技术培训,并将定牌产品的技术传授给甲方技术、维修人员,包括向甲方提供教材、图纸、器材。 8.2培训地点设在,场地费用由方承担,培训人员的差旅费由方承担。 第九条维修和零部件 9.1乙方将甲方视为使用客户,并按国家新三包规定向甲方提供免费零部件,范围包括: 9.2乙方同意向甲方提供如下规格数量的零部件周转量,乙方再在____月内以旧换新。超过本周转量,则双方先以现款结算。 9.3超过____年,甲方须通过有尝方式向乙方购买零部件,其价格标准为: 9.4甲方保证,乙方为甲方提供的零部件仅用于定牌产品的维修,不用于其他目的。 9.5定牌产品停产后,乙方应为甲方保留时间的零部件供应,保留时间为: a.包装材料、印刷品____年 b.主关零部件____年 c.非主关零部件____年 9.6合作期满,乙方应在____年内保证上述8.1、8.2、8.3条义务的执行。 第十条附则 10.1本合同的条款、附件共同组成一个完整的协议,在此之前的口头约定、书面资料不构成协议的内容因而无效。 10.2本合同签署前,双方都应向对方提供有效的法律文件,包括《企业法人营业执照》、_________________。 10.3本合同一式____份,甲方____份,乙方____份。 10.3本合作发生争议,通过如下方式解决。 甲方:__________________ 乙方:________________