立协议人: 男方: 女方: 男方与女方现因夫妻感情彻底破裂自愿离婚,经双方商定,对有关事项达成以下协议: 一、双方婚生女_____由男方抚养...
男方:某某,男,汉族, X年X月X日生,住XX,身份证号码:************女方:某某,女,汉族, X年X月 X日生,住 XX,身份证号码:***********男方与女方于X年 X月认识,于X年 X月X日在登记结婚,婚后于X年 X月 X日生育一儿子/女儿,名 XXX。因 致使夫妻感情破裂,已无和好可能,现经夫妻双方自愿协商达成一致意见,订立离婚协议如下:一、男女双方自愿离婚。二、子女抚养、抚养费及探望权:儿子/女儿由女方抚养,随同女方生活,抚养费(含托养费、教育费、医疗费)由男方全部负责,男方应于年月日前一次性支付 元给女方作为女儿的抚养费(/男方每月支付抚养费元,男方应于每月的1-5日前将女儿的抚养费交到女方手中或指定的XX银行帐号:*********)。在不影响孩子学习、生活的情况下,男方可随时探望女方抚养的孩子。(/男方每星期休息日可探望女儿一次或带女儿外出游玩,但应提前通知女方,女方应保证男方每周探望的时间不少于一天。)三、夫妻共同财产的处理:(1)存款:双方名下现有银行存款共元,双方各分一半,为元。分配方式:各自名下的存款保持不变,但男方/女方应于X年 X月 X日前一次性支付 元给女方/男方。(2)房屋:夫妻共同所有的位于XXX的房地产所有权归女方所有, 房地产权证的业主姓名变更的手续自离婚后一个月内办理,男方必须协助女方办理变更的一切手续,过户费用由女方负责。女方应于X年X月 X日前一次性补偿房屋差价 元给男方。⑶其他财产:婚前双方各自的财产归各自所有,男女双方各自的私人生活用品及首饰归各自所有(附清单)。
甲方:河南***有限公司 乙方:身份证号: 经双方协商一致,就下列保密事宜达成协议: 一、甲乙双方自愿签署本协议书,甲乙双方达成如下协议: 1.乙方保证并确认:已于甲方依法解除了劳动合同,并不存在任何劳动纠葛或劳动人事争议,经济纠纷等。 2.乙方不得将甲方公司的商业机密透露给第三方。 3.不得与他人串通为谋取利益而使甲方遭受损失。 4.未经甲方书面授权,不得以甲方名义从事任何活动。 5.对于甲方要求返回的资料,乙方已承诺如数返回。 6.不得以甲方公司商业机密作为谋取职业的手段和发展途径。 7.不得利用甲方公司的商业机密秘密并在此基础之上进行新的研究和开发。 二、甲方的保密规章、制度,没有规定或者不明确指出,乙方亦应本着谨慎、诚实的态度、采取任何必要、合理的措施,保持其机密性。三、乙方离职已承诺,将接触的所有记录着甲方商业秘密信息的文件、资料、报告、信件、传真、磁盘以及其他形式的载体交回甲方,无论这些秘密有无商业上的价值,不得备份。四、违约责任: 乙方不履行规定的义务,应承担违约的责任,一次性向甲方支付违约金,违约金应为乙方离开甲方单位前一年的基本工资的5倍,同时,乙方因违约行为所获的收益应还给甲方。五、协商效力: 本协议从签字或盖章之日起三年有效,本协议的修改,必须采用双方同意的书面形式,本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有法律效力。 甲方:河南**有限公司乙方: 盖章:盖章: 日期:日期:
Divorce agreement The agreement were: A, M,____year____ month____date of birth, Han nationality, live in city,________________No. Lu. Agreement Person: Mr. Wang, female, year____ month____ date of birth, Han nationality, live in city,________________House Lu An agreement of the parties in the________ day of the District People's Government for marriage registration. Personality is not suited for the two sides could not live together, marital relations have broken down, divorce is now two sides to reach an agreement as follows: 1, Zhang and Wang, divorce. 2, the son Zhang____ from the woman's care, the men who pay a monthly maintenance fee 500 yuan paid before the 10th of each month; up to 18 years of age pay only 18 years after the two sides in future renegotiation of the cost. 3, couples are located in the road of building a set of numbers, worth 60,000 yuan, is now owned by the woman in consultation of all, the man from the woman a one-time payment of 30,000 yuan in cash. Room of the home appliances and furniture, etc. (see list), both sides agreed price is 20,000 yuan, all owned by the woman, the man paid 10,000 yuan female direction. 4, husband and wife without the common claims and liabilities. 5, Zhang can be the first Saturday of each month 8:00 am picked her son up to their place of residence, on Sunday morning, 9:00 back to Wang, place of residence, such as temporary or Spring Festival to visit can be one day in advance in consultation with Mr. Wang and reach agreed consultative approach can be carried out after the visit. Triple copies of this Agreement, a style, both sides armed with a copy of the marriage registration office filed a copy of both sides signed and approved by the appropriate procedures for handling the marriage registration office to take effect. The agreement were: the agreement by: Date: